Dr. Lisa Green responds to the question, “What would you tell someone who thinks that African American English is just bad grammar?”
Renée Blake
Dr. Renée Blake discusses how she relates to students when teaching African American English linguistics.
Despite the fact that African American English is the most researched language variety in the United States, many people are still unaware it is a complete grammatical system, just like every dialect or language.
Arthur Spears
Dr. Arthur Spears highlights the connection between structure and the speech event in African American English.
Walt Wolfram
Dr. Walt Wolfram discusses variation within African American English.
John Rickford
Stanford Sociolinguist John Rickford speaks on the complexities of African American Language.
John Baugh
Stanford Sociolinguist John Baugh on the diversity and flexibility of African American Language.
The Language of MLK Jr
Linguist Walt Wolfram of NC State University explains some of the subtle phonological changes in MLK’s speech that correspond with changes in audience.
Tracey Weldon
University of South Carolina linguist Tracey Weldon describes some features of Gullah language.
The African Gullah connection: Emory Campbell
Dr. Emory Campbell; historian, author, community activist, and cultural steward speaks about how his visit to Sierra Leone gave him a different perspective on his experience as a Gullah native.